Here there were decades of trying to understand how and why I am here, then suddenly one day, about six months ago, there was a very extraordinary experience in which names and forms fell away, and it became obvious that everything is a reflection of what I truly am. It also became completely obvious that I am the only one here............. and I am you.
It became clear that I had become entranced with a single reflection of myself, and in so doing I had forgotten what I AM. I stand at the centre of an infinite ring of living mirrors, and in each mirror I see a different reflection of myself. I see worlds and universes, and I see creatures of every sex, race and religion.
In every living mirror I so identify with my reflection that I come to believe I actually am that reflection. Now, since the name and form of my reflection here has fallen away, I stare back from this reflection seeing the glory of what I am reflecting, seeing the unborn and eternal glory of what I am. I also look around me and see myself, in most of my other reflections, still lost in the mesmerising individual experiences of those reflections.
In those reflections I see myself struggling to understand what I am, and how I got here. I see myself believing that I am the person in the reflection, and I see the suffering that this appears to cause me. Although it's clear that I stand untouchable and unaffected at the centre of the ring of mirrors, and that all of the apparent suffering in my reflections are just an illusion, there is a love driven urge to help each of my reflections realise what they are reflecting,
To any of those reflections reading this I humbly offer an empty mirror, which will reflect back to you what you are - because I really am what you truly are.
I will joyfully answer any questions that might lead myself out of another reflection
If you wish to write to me privately, email can be sent to
It's necessary here to remain totally and forever anonymous because there is no person here. I have no name, gender, race, or creed, so I have nothing of personal interest to tell. For that reason no personal discussions can be entered into and no 'personal' questions answered - the mirror MUST be blank. If you want to deal with a person then you're already wanting to wed yourself to an"other". The less "others" you have to deal with the better
With wishes for peace and happiness in all reflections. Iam You
P.S. Pointer for those looking for one: Don't consider how discovering what you are will affect "others". First find out what you are, and then see whether there are truly any "others".
There are no "others" here. I am the only one here, and I AM YOU. When this is seen it will be clear that the one who is reading these lines was also the one who wrote them. Until that happens treat every living creature with the love and honour that you would if you were dealing with 'God' - because it's 'God' alone that stares out of ALL eyes
Cruci4truth and Surgal posted replies here according to my email, but I can't see anything here except lots of insurance advertising (makes you wonder how desperate insurance sales people can get).
My email address is everythingslive at hotmail dot com - I would be very grateful if someone would tell me why I can't see replies supposedly posted on this topic. Please email me rather than posting the reply here because I can't see anything here except for insurance ad links.