If you're looking to convert Lotus Notes NSF to PST for Outlook, the ATS Lotus Notes to Outlook Converter is an excellent solution. This software seamlessly migrates your NSF files to PST without any disruptions and supports unlimited mailboxes in a single attempt. In addition to PST, it also migrates NSF files to Office 365, IMAP Server, EML, EMLX, MBOX, and MSG formats. It is compatible with all Microsoft Windows operating systems and Outlook versions. A free trial version is available, allowing you to convert the first 30 items per folder, so you can test the tool before purchasing.
You can use CubexSoft NSF to PST Converter Tool to export all Lotus Notes all NSF files to PST file format including all emails, contacts, calendars, and other items without Outlook. There is no file size limitation, one can easily export a large size of NSf files to PST file format without any data loss. It supports various file formats like PDF, MBOX, EML, MSG, TXT, OLM, Office 365, Gmail, Thunderbird, etc. It was suitable for Windows OS including Windows 11.