A display picture, or DP, is the photo that appears next to a persons name in social media platforms such as WhatsApp and Instagram. InstaDP can be a full-screen image, like in the case of Snapchat, or they can be a smaller, square-shaped image thats used for more personal interactions.
DPs are important in social branding because they can instantly create a visual identity for your brand that makes it stand out from the competition. Your DP should be an image thats consistent across all of your social media platforms and thats recognizable to anyone who sees it.
Your DP needs to be optimized for mobile devices, since its often displayed as a tiny thumbnail in Instagrams mobile feed. This means you need to choose an image thats designed to grab attention despite its small size, and that it also looks good when enlarged in the Instagram app or on other platforms.
Its important to use colors that grab peoples attention and make them want to scroll through your feed or follow you on other platforms. This includes choosing colors that convey the mood youre trying to portray or that express your personality and brand image.